That's Good Parenting

086 How You Can Be a Money-Making Stay-at-Home Mom with Katy Rothschild

Dori Durbin Season 3 Episode 86

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Listen to this episode, "How You Can Be a Money-Making Stay-at-Home Mom with Katy Rothschild" as Freelancer and Founder, Katy Rothschild joins Dori Durbin. 

Are you a stay-at-home mom who is craving more adult interaction and a sense of identity outside of  being "mom"? In this episode, freelance business coach Katy Rothschild shares how moms can have part-time freelance businesses while still being there for their families. Katy shares how moms can identify their skills, find mom-friendly freelance jobs, and overcome emotional hurdles like mom guilt. Whether you're wanting a creative outlet, extra income, or even more purpose, this episode encourages moms pursue their passions!

This episode contains information about:

  • The Mom Guilt of Working vs. Staying Home 
  • Rediscovering Your Identity Through Freelancing 
  • Finding the Right Freelance Job for Your Mom Life 
  • Budgeting Time for Kids and Freelance Work 
  • Building Flexibility Into Your Freelance Schedule
  • Overcoming the Fear of Putting Yourself Out There
  • Tangible First Steps to Become a Freelance Mom
  • Free Resources for Starting Your Freelance Business

About Katy:
I'm a mom of 3 under 5, living my best life as a SAHM and a freelancer. I'm able to be fully present for my kids and make an income. I am on a mission to teach other mamas how they can do the same.

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More about Dori Durbin:
Dori Durbin is a Christian wife, mom, author, illustrator, and a kids’ book coach who after experiencing a life-changing illness, quickly switched gears to follow her dream. She creates kids’ books to provide a fun and safe passageway for kids and parents to dig deeper and experience empowered lives. Dori also coaches non-fiction authors, professionals, and aspiring authors to “kid-size” their content into informational and engaging kids’ books! Find out more here:

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Intro for TDP (version 2)

[00:00:00] Katy Rothschild: I feel we lose ourselves so much in parenthood and motherhood. That's such an easy thing to do.

[00:00:05] Katy Rothschild: So I found when I was doing these things that I enjoyed and interacting with adults instead of, tiny humans all day, really helped me be a better mom because I was doing something that fulfilled me outside of being a mom

[00:00:19] Dori Durbin:  Hi mamas. Are you loving being a mom, but some days you have this urge to do something else, maybe in a little bit different way. Maybe you'd like just a little extra spending cash or just want to feel like you have accomplished something that day. Here's the thing though. You're not sure how you would make that happen, or even if you could, and you also might have some other questions, like how do I do more without sacrificing my own kids? And what kind of work would I be able to do in a short amount of time? What are the things that I'm even capable of doing now? 

I have absolutely no idea. Well, if you want some [00:01:00] encouragement and some direction, I have the right person for you. So stay tuned.

[00:01:05] Dori Durbin: Welcome Katie, my freelance mama friend. 

[00:01:09] Katy Rothschild: Yes, I'm so excited. I am, too!

[00:01:11] Dori Durbin: We have so many things to offer our listeners today, especially if they're parents who really are struggling with their identity as being trans.

[00:01:20] Dori Durbin: I don't want to say just a mom,  but being home and not doing the things that maybe they used to do or things that they want to be doing. So in your world, being on the other side where you're actually working and momming at the same time, what is the most common obstacle that you come across as to why moms feel like they can't be both a mom and have a business or do a job at the same time. 

[00:01:44] Katy Rothschild: That's the most common thing is going to be like mom guilt because we try to take on everything. And at least. I'll speak for me and my friends that are moms. We aren't very good delegators. We can't, we have a hard time asking for help. And four and a half years later since I started, I still work on delegating and still struggle with it. So it's a process for sure. And then, just feeling guilty.

[00:02:08] Katy Rothschild: If we ever take time for ourselves, I'll find the mom guilt creep in when I take five minutes to go eat a piece of candy in my closet without. A tiny human trying to get it right like it's just like we shouldn't feel guilty for that. But we do. And then another thing is time. They're like, Oh, I don't have time.

[00:02:28] Katy Rothschild: I don't want to go work a 40 hour a week job. And I don't do that. I work maybe 15. Maybe 20 hours a week. And it's like around bedtime and nap time and in the morning, or my older to go to half day preschool three days a week. So I'll squeeze stuff in there. So it's really all about finding what's going to work for your situation.

[00:02:51] Katy Rothschild: Is that what helps them overcome their fear of jumping into that? Is finding a workable solution or what usually helps them to take that next step? So usually just, I find too, when I tell people how little time that I actually spend working, that's when they're like, Oh, that's it. I can do two or three hours a day, or I could do a half day of Saturday when my partner is home watching my kids, I feel like when they, when people hear the, like, how much time it doesn't take, that's when they're like, okay, I can do this.  That's doable. 

[00:03:32] Dori Durbin: So it's like that idea that you have to go all in and build it in. 

[00:03:33] Katy Rothschild: Yeah, absolutely. 

[00:03:38] Dori Durbin: That makes a lot of sense. Cause I do think when people think of work they tend to think of part time or full time. Part time as a mom feels like you're giving up so much time. So a couple, like you said, a half a Saturday, that seems to do it. Exactly. 

[00:03:53] Dori Durbin: Exactly. So before you started to even do this, what you're doing now, and [00:04:00] before you became a mom, what did you think you were always going to do? 

[00:04:04] Katy Rothschild: So . I actually always wanted to be a teacher. So I did that for four years, got my undergrad, was a public school teacher for four years.

[00:04:13] Katy Rothschild: I absolutely love those babies. I taught third grade and I taught public school pre K and pre K is my favorite. However our school system without going into a lot of details, very broken. And not very kind to teachers. And so my mental health was starting to suffer significantly. So I ended up transitioning out and going into human resources and like training and like corporate training type stuff.

[00:04:42] Katy Rothschild: So I did that for a year and a half before I had my first, and I just envisioned myself I'm going to be corporate mom, climbing the corporate ladder, doing the things, being an executive, and then I had my baby and my whole world changed. I was like, none of [00:05:00] that matters. I don't know. Don't want it anymore.

[00:05:03] Dori Durbin: Yeah. You're like, no, can't  do that now. 

[00:05:05] Katy Rothschild:Yeah. I just couldn't. She was a lot of people talk about their first baby is, Oh, your baby, the first baby's easy. They trick you into having more. No, I have three now. She was my most difficult for sure. Very colicky, like a lot of sleep issues. And then, I suffered with postpartum depression.

[00:05:24] Katy Rothschild: So it's like, how could I go? Yeah. After 12 weeks go back into a world where I'd be gone almost 12 hours a day. I just couldn't, it wasn't going to be good for my mental health and I didn't feel like it was good for my baby either. 

[00:05:39] Dori Durbin: Did you feel like it got harder with each child to envision yourself going back?

[00:05:43] Katy Rothschild: Oh yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Like I always say so my first baby and second baby are only 18 months apart. So I had the two under two. It was chaos. And I was like, there's no way I'm going back even with the chaos. [00:06:00] And this is, I just want to preface all of what I'm saying is this is no shade to any moms that want to be corporate ladder.

[00:06:06] Katy Rothschild: Mamas, I like I support you at 100%. It just wasn't for me. So I'm all about you got to do what's best for you. So sidebar. But and then yeah, when I had my third, I was like, absolutely not. No, we're just going to make we're going to freelance and work minimal hours and be a present mom and, just raise my babies.

[00:06:29] Dori Durbin: So I'm curious, so if you three kids, I'm figuring you're pretty busy. So what was it that made you feel like you wanted something, for yourself? What was the moment when you realized I've got I love my kids, they're my world right now, but What was that? I just, I think really one, it came from a need of income.

[00:06:52] Katy Rothschild: Number one was how I originally got started was I knew I couldn't go back to corporate My soul sucking corporate [00:07:00] job. But at the same time we needed income. So I was like, I got to figure this out. And I did, I just like full on launched into it. And my husband bless him. He's a saint. He's very supportive.

[00:07:13] Katy Rothschild: And then as I did that and I navigated my postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, I realized when I was doing something that was just only me, I I felt more like myself again, it's because I feel we lose ourselves so much in parenthood and motherhood. That's such an easy thing to do.

[00:07:32] Katy Rothschild: So I found when I was doing these things that I enjoyed and interacting with adults instead of, tiny humans all day, even if it was just a quick email really helped me be a better mom because I was taking, I was like doing something that fulfilled me outside of being a mom. 

[00:07:53] Dori Durbin: Did you and maybe you didn't experience this, but I had a similar start back into things and I actually [00:08:00] felt like I didn't know how to talk to adults anymore. Yes, it was scary to stick your head out there and say, hey, you're. An adult. What do I say? 

[00:08:09] Katy Rothschild: It is. It's so it was definitely a challenge because you're used to talking. And I talked to my I don't necessarily baby talk my kids, but it's still so different from talking to a grown up versus a child.

[00:08:25] Katy Rothschild: And sometimes I had to catch myself and be like, I shouldn't say that. 

[00:08:31] Dori Durbin: Don't correct them in front of their face. 

[00:08:32] Katy Rothschild: Exactly. Was that a good choice? I really shouldn't say that to adults. 

[00:08:38] Dori Durbin: Oh, yeah. I think that is a fear, too. Like, when you've been out of it, you were out for over three years of the adult world.  I think sometimes moms feel a little penned in by, Like this is the world that I'm in and I don't know how to get back to that.

[00:08:54] Katy Rothschild:  Like it's scary. 

[00:08:56] Dori Durbin: It's a big leap of faith almost too. But what I love about what you said [00:09:00] earlier is that it's just making a small step towards 

[00:09:03] Katy Rothschild: It is a big deal. And then yes, moving from there. So yeah, I'm all about small consistent steps are going to lead you to the most success and the most momentum. Then, um, yes, you can take the leap of faith for sure. But sometimes you got to start small and especially moms, like at least in my experience when I was trying to navigate back into that world and figure out what was going on.

[00:09:30] Katy Rothschild: And how to talk to grownups again. I just had to take baby steps and do it a little bit scared and then it got easier and then I would do the next thing a little bit scared and it got easier and then that's what built my momentum. 

[00:09:43] Dori Durbin: It makes a lot of sense, really.

[00:09:45] Katy Rothschild:  It really does. 

[00:09:46] Dori Durbin: What if a mom's listening right now and she's okay, this is great.
 I can take little steps. I just don't have a clue what I want to do. How do I figure out what it is that I can handle? What is it that I want to do? How do you help  them figure those kinds of things out?

[00:10:00] Katy Rothschild:  So I do something a little, maybe a little unorthodox. I actually have So a lot of times people will go in when you're trying to start a new business or a new idea and they're like what do you like to do?

[00:10:15] Katy Rothschild: And go from there. I like to, with moms, I like to say, okay, where are you at in your life right now? What do you want that to look like? What do you want your time to look like? Because there's lots, there's a freelancing Opportunity for pretty much everybody, whether that's managing emails, or sometimes you could be on the phone or you can do writing.

[00:10:39] Katy Rothschild: But the way I kind of coach moms is, okay, if you have little kids, you're not going to want to be a virtual assistant that's doing phone customer service. Because then you're going to have to be chained to your desk. And then there's going to, you're going to be stressing that they're screaming children in the background.

[00:10:54] Katy Rothschild: Okay. So take where you are in your life and what you want that to look like. Okay, [00:11:00] I want to work at my kid's nap time a little bit after bedtime. And then we work backwards. Okay. What skills do you have? Are you great with social media? Okay. You could be a social media manager because they, a lot of times make the graphics and write the captions and then schedule it out.

[00:11:16] Katy Rothschild: So it's not like you're on call at your desk or maybe you're a content writer or you do bookkeeping. There's really so many options, but I really like to have moms think about where they are in their lives, where they want, what they want their lives to look like, and then work backwards.

[00:11:34] Dori Durbin: That's awesome. Because that really takes in that pressure off of jumping into a big job and just easing yourself back into something that you're already good at, that you enjoy. 

[00:11:42] Katy Rothschild: And I can tell you, building your, I made this mistake. In the beginning, I built my business and made that the center and try to fit in my family around it, and I got really burnt out and I was like, I'm starting to go back towards [00:12:00] the soul sucking nine to five grind that I was so desperate to get away from.

[00:12:04] Katy Rothschild: So I finally had a mentor of mine give me quote unquote. permission. She didn't really give me permission, but she like opened my eyes to putting your family first, if that is what the most important thing to you is, and then building your business around it. And I was like, huge light bulb moment.

[00:12:22] Katy Rothschild: I don't want moms that are starting out to make that same mistake I did. So let's look at what you want your life to look like and work backwards and then fit your business in instead of the other way around. 

[00:12:33] Dori Durbin: Yeah, I think one thing I had wondered was, what makes the business feel worthwhile, but that's it right there.

[00:12:38] Dori Durbin: If it's supplementing what you're already doing instead of taking over what you're doing. 

[00:12:42] Katy Rothschild: Yes, absolutely. That is 100%. And a lot of people start and go all in and get ambitious and burn out really quickly. So I'm like, okay, I'm going to try to prevent anybody from making the same mistakes I did so they don't have to suffer.

[00:12:59] Katy Rothschild: [00:13:00] Okay. 

[00:13:00] Dori Durbin: Oh, that's great. And actually, I can put you on the spot with this. Sure. If you went through that process, of realizing that it wasn't quite the right fit for you at the right time. Was there ever a moment when you felt like your parenting just wasn't exactly the way that you wanted it to be and that was 

[00:13:18] Katy Rothschild: What helped you figure that out?

[00:13:19] Katy Rothschild: Oh yeah, absolutely. One time And I'm very not proud of this, but I think it's important to share our vulnerable moments that we aren't proud of because I follow, I don't know if you follow Brene Brown, but love her and she does a lot of work on shame and vulnerability and I think, shame can't survive if we're open and vulnerable and sharing, and maybe it might help another mom, but I was.

[00:13:46] Katy Rothschild: Really in that state of burnout where I had the best freelance month of my business and I just, I had two under two and I was like feeling on top of the world and then all of a sudden I wasn't, I [00:14:00] was so burnt out and stressed out and exhausted and I turned around and snapped and yelled bad in my two year old self  face and I saw the flash of fear on her face and it like still breaks my heart to even think about it to this day. And I was like, that was it. That was like the moment that just, I was like, okay, I've got to do something. And there were some other factors in that as well with my mental health and postpartum depression that never was resolved with her.

[00:14:31] Katy Rothschild: And then I got it. Slipped back into that after my second. So went to my doctor, started taking care of myself and making those adjustments in my business so that I could be the mom that I knew I want it to be and still have my business. 

[00:14:46] Dori Durbin: Yeah. That's so painful when you realize as a parent that you, and I, we all do it.

[00:14:51] Katy Rothschild: That yes, we 

[00:14:52] Dori Durbin: all do it. It's that moment when you're like, you said you were seated on your child's face. their reaction wasn't [00:15:00] what you were trying to get. Yeah. And it can happen when they're older because it's that it's just the moment when you are at your highest level of stress where your emotions just can't be logical.

[00:15:12] Katy Rothschild: You can't regulate and then suffering with the mental illness part of the postpartum depression and anxiety. So it was like everything compounded on top of each other and I just blew up and I was like this poor. My poor baby like she didn't deserve that. She's too. But again, I share that so that I know I'm not the only one to ever do that.

[00:15:36] Katy Rothschild: So I hope that it puts into perspective for other moms like it's okay. We're going to mess up. And we apologize and make amends and keep on keeping on. Yeah. 

[00:15:48] Dori Durbin: Do you feel like there's ever a point where maybe a mom is looking for an outside job, but she really needs to back it up a little bit and deal with things going on with her [00:16:00] first? Or do you feel like if they're starting to look for a job, maybe that is the path that they need 

[00:16:04] Katy Rothschild: to just keep following? It really it so depends on the person. So for me, it helped remedy my postpartum depression I experienced with my first, and then it snowballed really quickly, which was awesome.

[00:16:20] Katy Rothschild: And, but then I got burnt out. So it was like a double edged sword yes, it helped me get out of that, but I wasn't holding boundaries with myself and my clients. And So it ended up also causing me to backslide. So I guess it's the double edged sword. Really? You've got to find a balance.

[00:16:45] Katy Rothschild: And I, I hate that word because I don't think anything's ever balanced. It's all just like flows, but you got to find your groove. 

[00:16:52] Dori Durbin: So it's workable for you. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. 

[00:16:56] Katy Rothschild: Yeah, absolutely. 

[00:16:59] Dori Durbin: [00:17:00] So since you've become this professional business owner now and a mom, Is there anything that you do with your day that helps you actually get everything done?

[00:17:10] Katy Rothschild: Yes. Okay. So I just was thinking about this the other day. Number one is just remembering my why, which is my kids and my family and putting them first. And then building my business, like weaving it in. Okay. And then two, building in flexibility with my schedule. So if I'm giving deadlines to clients, I am giving them a deadline that's further out than I know I can get it done because Three kids under five, we experienced flu, COVID and RSV, like all within a month span, right?

[00:17:46] Katy Rothschild: So it's like, when your kids, you never know, are ear infections. Or so building in flexibility in my schedule to allow for, Oh, this kid woke up with a fever, they can't go to school, I got to bring them to the [00:18:00] doctor and then three is planning. My day not amidst the chaos. So I really, the night before, after things have settled down, I look at what I have going on, what my projects are, and prioritize again, with some flexibility built in, what I want to get done the next day, instead of waking up in the morning rush of trying to get them ready to go to gymnastics class or school or wherever.

[00:18:27] Katy Rothschild: And then trying to figure out what I want to do, my brain's completely frazzled. 

[00:18:32] Dori Durbin: That's such a good advice because it's so easy to follow the other way and try to plan and you don't even remember the really important things. And you assume that you're going to remember 

[00:18:40] Katy Rothschild: them. You don't. And you don't.

[00:18:41] Katy Rothschild: Yeah. And for me, I also have, I was recently diagnosed with ADHD. So memory, the whole out of sight, out of mind thing. Is really something that I struggle with. So having, and then making lists and having that in front of me so I could see it, it keeps me on track. I think 

[00:18:59] Dori Durbin: a list is [00:19:00] helpful to anybody, but yes, absolutely.

[00:19:03] Dori Durbin: Multiple bodies roaming the house. That's that becomes even 

[00:19:06] Katy Rothschild: more important. 

[00:19:06] Dori Durbin: Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. One thing that we haven't talked about and I really want you to tell them is what is it that you do for parents? Because we've been talking about the freelancer end of things. What does it mean if I was starting to think about all the things we've been talking about it.

[00:19:21] Dori Durbin: What can you do for me, Katie? 
[00:19:21] Katy Rothschild: So what I do is I primarily work with moms who are, they're either a stay at home mom, and we all know the economy and inflation is like groceries are astronomical right now. So they're looking for extra income, but they're like, okay I can't really afford. To pay for daycare.

[00:19:43] Katy Rothschild: But we need extra money. So they're in this. I don't know what to do or they don't want to go back after maternity leave. And so what I do is I take them through. I coached them through this process of figuring out, okay, what do you want your [00:20:00] life to be like, we build out your dream life, what are your skills and get them started on building their business as a freelancer and talking about, okay, what are these foundations we need?

[00:20:12] Katy Rothschild: What do you need to put in place so that it's sustainable? Because for me. I burnt out really quickly and I'm like, Oh, I'm going to, I'm going to tell everybody I know how to make this sustainable and hold their boundaries and how to get clients, where do we find our clients? How do we sign our clients?

[00:20:31] Katy Rothschild: What do we do when we're starting to do the work? So basically you just really coaching them through this process of figuring out what they want their life to look like, how they can bring in money. Still be a present mom. I call myself a stay at home mom and a freelancer. Cause that's how I feel. I feel like I'm still so present for my kids.

[00:20:53] Katy Rothschild: But I'm also working like the best of both worlds. 

[00:20:57] Dori Durbin: That's awesome. I think about when I [00:21:00] started and how much you would have helped to have had you there. And even from the accountability and in the stress end of things because. Like you said, you jump in and then you're Oh, great. And I, for me, I jumped in with both feet, it would have been a lot easier to throw in and to be able to find the connections I needed to.

[00:21:22] Katy Rothschild: And even just having that somebody that's further along in their journey than you, because I've had like lots of mentors in my journey that have just been so invaluable to me where I could be like, Hey, this client said this, what do I do? And like coaching, like coaching me through those tricky conversations, or, Hey, I think I need to let this client go and we need to go our separate ways.

[00:21:46] Katy Rothschild: What do I do? So really just having somebody there, I guess I see how much my mentors helped me. I want to do that for other moms. Like I want to empower them to be like, you know what? No, I can do this. It is [00:22:00] doable. I can make money from home. I could be a stay at home mom and I have all the support I need.

[00:22:07] Dori Durbin: And I love that. 

[00:22:08] Katy Rothschild: And I love the fact 

[00:22:09] Dori Durbin: that. In my mind, it's not going to feel overwhelming. There's a plan when it gets overwhelming is when there's not a plan anymore. Yeah. That's huge. That's huge. Okay. I'm not going to make you give more away for free here, but I am going to ask you this.

[00:22:25] Dori Durbin: What are three to five things that moms can do as soon as we get done with this podcast to start going towards their business journey? What 

[00:22:36] Katy Rothschild: are three? No. The thing I would say, number one, is what I talked about, where are you figuring out, map it out on a piece of paper or on your notes on your phone or whatever, where are you at in your life?

[00:22:51] Katy Rothschild: What do you want that to look like? Do you want to be the stay at home mom to the 10, to the two year olds and are the littles and also bring in that [00:23:00] money. Or maybe your kids are in school, they're going off to big kids school. And you have more capability to work more hours, just figure out one that's number one, what you want your life to look like then number two, you want to figure out your skills.

[00:23:15] Katy Rothschild: And I have a lot of moms struggle with this. And I think this is as women too, we struggle to brag on ourselves, so to speak. But I'm coaching moms and they're like, I don't have any skills. I'm like, okay, you're a mom. So one you're, you can multitask too. You can juggle all the things, manage schedules, manage projects.

[00:23:38] Katy Rothschild: Manage like you're literally managing a whole household I don't know, I have to tell him. I'm like, I don't know if you know this, but a household manager is an actual job and they pay 60, 000 a year, like people pay for somebody to manage their house. So think about all those like skills. You have organization and staying on top of things.

[00:23:58] Katy Rothschild: And then if you were in the [00:24:00] workforce before you became a mom, what were you doing? Were you teaching? Were you doing graphic design or marketing? So really taking those skills and figuring out, okay maybe I want to offer graphic design. Maybe I want to offer maybe I want to be a social media manager or content writer or virtual assistant.

[00:24:20] Katy Rothschild: So really figuring out where your skills are. And then three, just matching them to that job. And I actually have a free download, totally free. You can go to my website. It's katierothchild. com slash freelance dash mama. And it's all about work from home freelance jobs that are flexible for moms.

[00:24:42] Katy Rothschild: And I have 10 jobs listed and what skills you need. So you can take that guide. and map out what you're thinking. And that can start you on your journey towards, okay, all right, I know I'm going to be doing this thing. So hopefully that helps. 

[00:24:58] Dori Durbin: It does. It does. Do [00:25:00] you do you take them from that point and I was just thinking about Indeed, like the Indeed listings and all those groups.

[00:25:07] Dori Durbin: If I was coming in as a new mom and I saw, social media manager, I might be a little hesitant to jump at it just because I might be thinking there's all these other people that have, more qualification, whatever can do. Push them through 

[00:25:19] Katy Rothschild: that piece of it. Yes. Yes. So I have I do coaching and I also have a course.

[00:25:25] Katy Rothschild: It's eight weeks and we like go through everything. And I also have a Facebook group for support. So you have a question, I'm coming in there and answering it. So there's lots of different ways to get clients. And I tell, People this all the time, talk to people, and it's not, Hey, buy my thing.

[00:25:42] Katy Rothschild: Okay. Or, Hey, buy my service that's not what we're doing. Cause people hear that and they're like, Oh, I don't want to do that. No. And I can like really quickly say, one of the things I do is I'll reach out to somebody I know who maybe they own a business and I'm like, Hey, so and I'm just reconnect with them and just be like [00:26:00] so I am.

[00:26:01] Katy Rothschild: I'm trying to think I have a whole script. That's in my course. So I'm trying to think of it off the top of my head, but it's basically hope you're doing well, just checking in. I am so excited. I started doing content writing for business coaches. D I would love if you know of anybody who needs That or might be interested in that.

[00:26:21] Katy Rothschild: I would be forever grateful for an introduction. So you are not asking them to buy your thing or your service. You are asking them to help you and introduce you. And most of the time people want to do that. Most of the time people want to help you. And I've even had people come back and me and be like, Oh yeah, that's, I need that.

[00:26:41] Katy Rothschild: What's your pricing. So it's like a, it's a, an. Easing your way into it instead of, Hey, or, we all get those messages sometimes, Hey girl, no, it's not like that. It's 

[00:26:56] Dori Durbin: not the 

[00:26:57] Katy Rothschild: sleazy begging, right? It's [00:27:00] not. Yeah, it's very, I, when I kind of coach moms through that, they're like, Oh my goodness, I feel so much better about that.

[00:27:07] Dori Durbin: That's perfect. And I love that you have a course to do that and help them through it too. Yes. Your Facebook page looks amazing. Great. And you've got lots of people on it. So I'm sure that is an ample 

[00:27:17] Katy Rothschild: resource too. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. There's lots of different ways. That's just one way I could literally talk about this all day, but, 

[00:27:26] Dori Durbin: I have to just find you.

[00:27:27] Dori Durbin: They're going to do a little bit of work. We can 

[00:27:29] Katy Rothschild: give it to them all for free. Yeah. No, but yeah, I love my Facebook group is free. The, that for resource is free and I'm actually in the process of like building out a free resource library. So definitely check it out. And come join the Facebook group.

[00:27:44] Katy Rothschild: I love to really support the moms that are like, okay, I am thinking about getting my feet wet. What can I do? That's awesome. 

[00:27:53] Dori Durbin: That's awesome. All right. Rattle off your your website and are you're on Instagram too, right? 

[00:27:58] Katy Rothschild: Yes, I [00:28:00] just, I'm a newbie on Instagram. Okay. So I've only got like 12 followers.

[00:28:04] Katy Rothschild: Tell them what you're The handle is the period freelance period mama. So I just started that Instagram. page. So come join me there. And then my Facebook group is freelance mamas where we're just connecting and building that community with moms that are in the same space as you. Some of them may not have started their journey yet.

[00:28:30] Katy Rothschild: Some of them have just started. Some of them are a little ahead. So it's always good to surround ourselves with people that are like minded.

[00:28:38] Dori Durbin: Well, Katie, I know that they're going to want to talk to you. I have no doubt whatsoever. We've given them the ways to do it. We've given them the ways to move ahead after the podcast. So I just hope they, they follow their hearts and actually go through this. I think it'd be 

[00:28:52] Katy Rothschild: great. Yeah. And I just for any of the moms that are on the fence, if I always say this, I have three kids under the age [00:29:00] of five.

[00:29:00] Katy Rothschild: So just imagine that chaos. I'm making it work. I know you can too. I know you can. We can, it won't look the exact same way as mine does, but we can make it work for you. I'm like 100 percent confident. 

[00:29:15] Dori Durbin:That  is so awesome. Thank you so much for today.

[00:29:17] Katy Rothschild:  This was awesome. Thank you.

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